Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our blog is now on our website - www.susankquilting.com!

Hey everyone,

It's been a while, but we've been hard at work! In fact, we've completely updated the website to make the navigation easier to use, to make it easier for us to update pictures of pantographs and quilts (so that way we can show all of you our latest offerings more quickly), put pictures of some of our clients on the homepage, and lastly but not least - we've put our blog on our website! Click here to view it!

For now, you'll still be able to look at this blog, but soon when you come to this blog, we'll redirect you to our site. We're very excited about this change! Also, feel free to provide us with feedback via our Request a Quote form (it's okay if you use that form to send us messages that aren't quotes!).

Susan K. Quilting Team