Monday, September 20, 2010

Huge Update

Hey everyone,

This is probably the best update I think I've given thus far! I have updated the website so that it runs much faster and looks better.

Just as a summary of what I mean:
- If you're using Internet Explorer to browse my website, the drop shadows used on the site would actually slow down your browsing speed. All drop shadows that were causing a decrease in browsing speed were removed.
- The pantograph tabs have been reorganized so that Most Popular is on the end. I think this small change is going to help keep the website organized in the future as we keep adding more pantographs.
- Also the tabs look at lot better, as well. They feature rounded tops, which I think make the tabs look better and increase browsing speed (believe it or not!).

And that's about it. While the changes aren't huge per se, I think you're going to really enjoy them as they'll make browsing our website much more enjoyable!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

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