Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just So You Know

Hey everyone,

Now a days, we all know that social networking has become all the rage. Reason being, people like to know that they aren't the only ones going online and checking out random websites. It's fun to know others are on the same site we are and it's even more fun to know our friends are. We all like to feel apart of a community and here at Susan K. Quilting, we're definitely a community (online and off!).

Just to show you how we're a community, 50% of the visits we receive on are from people who have visited our website multiple times. On this blog alone, which has been up for a little over a month, we have already had 142 viewers! So, even though you only see that we have 8 registered followers, we actually have a lot more people visiting this blog! And we're only just getting started.

Over the next month, you're going to see a lot of great changes to our website, and this blog, due to the addition of new pictures of quilts, new pantographs, and new stories constantly being added! Additionally, as our listing comes up in more and more Google search results, more and more people will stop by the blog and website, and may even become registered followers!

So, in summation, we have a growing community of followers here on and and we plan on it to only get bigger! So, please, feel free to write posts and get involved, but if you don't feel comfortable enough yet, that's okay too! We're just glad to know we have people reading our posts!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

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