Monday, August 9, 2010

How to Write Comments on Posts

Hey evereyone,

Hope all of you had a great weekend! Just so all of you know, I included some steps and pictures on how to write comments on the posts I leave on this blog. Just follow the six steps below and you'll be commenting and blogging in no time! Please excuse the images if they're a little small, but it's the best I could do.

Step 1: Click on the number of comments below the posting you'd like to comment on. It'll be written in blue. In this particular example, there were 0 comments, so the link you're supposed click on reads, "0 comments" in this particular example. Check out the photo below.

Step 2: A text box will appear, click on it and enter your comment in there. Check out the photo below.

Step 3: This step is probably the most crucial and unfortunately the most confusing. The blogging software we're using wants to know what 'network' you're apart of and what your 'profile' is. To make sure you don't have to worry about this, I created a way where 'anonymous' people can post comments. So after you're done entering in your comment, click on the 'Select profile...' drop down box and select 'Anonymous.' But if you want us to know who you are, please include your name in your comment like I did below. Check out the photo below.

Step 4: After you've selected 'Anonymous' from the drop-down menu, click on the 'Post Comment' button. Check out the photo below.

Step 5: Now you'll be prompted to enter in the text that you'll see on your monitor, which is written in a really weird way (this is to ensure that malicious software isn't pulling up my blog and messing around with it - software has a hard time 'reading' weird writing). Check out the photo below.

Step 6: Enjoy your comment! If you have any issues with any of these steps, feel free to contact me at!

What you may see whiling writing a comment may not match up perfectly with what you saw in my photos, but don't worry. Keep working on putting up your first comment! Feel free to even write, "This is just a test!" as your first comment!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

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