Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Quilts Uploaded!

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a while, but I'd like to announce that new quilts have been uploaded to! Go ahead and them out!


Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Theme on Website

Hey everyone,

I have updated the theme of the website for the entire month of October to be Halloween! Feel free to check out the website and let us know what you think! Also, more pantographs will be uploaded, so check back often to see them!


Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Monday, September 20, 2010

Huge Update

Hey everyone,

This is probably the best update I think I've given thus far! I have updated the website so that it runs much faster and looks better.

Just as a summary of what I mean:
- If you're using Internet Explorer to browse my website, the drop shadows used on the site would actually slow down your browsing speed. All drop shadows that were causing a decrease in browsing speed were removed.
- The pantograph tabs have been reorganized so that Most Popular is on the end. I think this small change is going to help keep the website organized in the future as we keep adding more pantographs.
- Also the tabs look at lot better, as well. They feature rounded tops, which I think make the tabs look better and increase browsing speed (believe it or not!).

And that's about it. While the changes aren't huge per se, I think you're going to really enjoy them as they'll make browsing our website much more enjoyable!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Friday, September 17, 2010

Big News!

Hey everyone,

Big news! Pictures of finished quilts have finally been uploaded to! I can't tell you how excited I am to announce this! Please whenever you'd like, visit the Finished Quilts page at!

Additionally, should there be any errors, please let me know and I'd be more than happy to fix them!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Status Update 9/16/2010

Hey everyone,

Just to let you know how things are coming along, I am still working on the Finished Quilts page on I have given a lot of thought as to how we'd like to organize the quilts and I believe I've come up with a great solution. Now, the next step is to actually implement my solution. Depending on how complex it is to implement and if I run into any roadblocks, it may be a day or as much as a week before I am able to put a Finished Quilts page onto the website. Once again, I appreciate everyone's patience! We'll have a fully functional website up soon!


Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Changes to Holidays Pantographs

Hey everyone,

I've made some organizational changes to the Holidays Pantographs page that I think will help our website come up higher in Google search and help viewers find what they're looking for more quickly! Feel free to check the changes out at!


Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Website is Now Faster! 09/15/2010

Hey everyone,

I have noticed how slowly the website,, runs. I have thought about what to do and for a while, I was unable to come up with any good ideas. Reason being, the website only runs slowly in Internet Explorer. For those of you who use Safari or Mozilla Firefox, which is what I use, the website is very, very fast.

So, I thought and I thought and I thought and I... thought and I finally came up with what I think is the best solution! So, now I have implemented my solution and (thankfully) the website runs a lot faster for Internet Explorer users! Now, it still doesn't run as fast as I would like it to, but I'll constantly be thinking of new ideas to make it run faster! So, go ahead and give it a try! I think you'll be quite pleased!

Additionally, I will be adding pictures of finished quilts onto the website very soon. I have been low on time lately, but hopefully this Thursday or Friday, you'll be able to view pictures of finished quilts on our website at

Finally, don't be shy! Please use the contact form at to let us know of any questions or comments you have. You can write to us about anything including the site's performance and speed!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Monday, September 13, 2010

The coordinated fabrics in this quilt are from the Aviary line by Three Sisters for Moda fabrics. The pattern is from Anka's Treasures and is called Double Takes 2.
Take a close look and you will see this quilt is beautifully pieced!

Baltimore Halloween Quilt

This truly exquisite quilt is a Pearl Pereira hand-applique pattern. Be sure to click on the picture to enlarge it in order to see the amazing applique up close!
The outer border is stitched in pumpkins and the inner border is stitched in leaves and acorns. It is stabilized with lots of stitching in the ditch and the background is stippled.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just So You Know

Hey everyone,

Now a days, we all know that social networking has become all the rage. Reason being, people like to know that they aren't the only ones going online and checking out random websites. It's fun to know others are on the same site we are and it's even more fun to know our friends are. We all like to feel apart of a community and here at Susan K. Quilting, we're definitely a community (online and off!).

Just to show you how we're a community, 50% of the visits we receive on are from people who have visited our website multiple times. On this blog alone, which has been up for a little over a month, we have already had 142 viewers! So, even though you only see that we have 8 registered followers, we actually have a lot more people visiting this blog! And we're only just getting started.

Over the next month, you're going to see a lot of great changes to our website, and this blog, due to the addition of new pictures of quilts, new pantographs, and new stories constantly being added! Additionally, as our listing comes up in more and more Google search results, more and more people will stop by the blog and website, and may even become registered followers!

So, in summation, we have a growing community of followers here on and and we plan on it to only get bigger! So, please, feel free to write posts and get involved, but if you don't feel comfortable enough yet, that's okay too! We're just glad to know we have people reading our posts!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Molly the Owl" Quilt and Some Background Info

Carlos and Donna Royal put up an owl box in their backyard... A beautiful barn owl and her mate made the box their first "clutch" home. These two owls named Molly and McGee brought 14,000,000 people together from 50 countries via streaming video. They learned, laughed, and cried while watching 24/7. From the first laid egg to fledge the world got to witness this miracle of nature first hand.

Quilters from all over the U.S. and Canada sent quilt blocks to be incorporated into this quilt to make a special "thank you" to the Royals. This is a "A Quilter's Labor of Love" aka "The Molly Quilt."

This is Lin Las Lima's wonderful account of Molly the owl and her clutch. Since then Molly is tending to her second clutch which can be seen at

Pictured below is Lin La Lima who pieced together "The Molly Quilt."

Pictured below is the beautiful owl fabric used in the quilt backing which was purchased at the popular quilt store "Quilter's Paradise in Escondido, CA.

Another Update (and a Request for Your Help)

Hey everyone,

Just to let you know, I've made a business listing for us in Google Maps. So, if you'd like, go ahead and check us out~

One of the easiest ways to find us is to go to, search for "quilt escondido" and hit enter, then you'll see a map below. If you look hard enough, you'll find that we have a dot on the map along Felicita Ave.

Here's a picture of what it looks like (you can see my mouse in the picture if you look hard enough):

After that just click on the dot and view our listing on the map! From there you can write a review about us, which we would greatly appreciate!

Thanks everyone and have a happy Labor Day weekend!

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Status Update 9/3/2010

Hey everyone,

I have great news to report! I have completed the Contact Me Form on Feel free to check it out and send us a message, we'd love to hear from all of you!

Here is a direct link to the Contact Me Form:

Thank you and have a great Labor Day weekend!

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Monday, August 30, 2010

Status Update 8/30/2010 Part 2

Hey everyone,

Just as a reminder, we're moving our official website from to Reason being, the website was only meant to be temporary until we moved all of our new pantographs to

So, in the next week, I plan on closing down the awardspace website and redirecting all traffic to our new one. This means when you type, "" into your browser you will be automatically rerouted to

If you have any questions or concerns about this move, please feel free to respond to this posting or contact us at the email address listed under the My Info tab.

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Status Update 8/30/2010

Hey everyone,

Just another update I'm writing. However, this one I'm very proud of. As of now, all of the new pantographs that can be stitched for you by Susan K. Quilting can be found at! So, feel free to check any of the following albums:

Children's and Miscellaneous
Feathers and Hearts
Geometrics, Curls and Swirls
Leaves and Fruit
Most Popular
Sports, Games and Outdoors

Also, please let me know if any of the links I listed above do not work and I'll get right on that!

Finally, just to let you know, I have three more major improvements I will be making to the site of the next couple of weeks: 1 - Add a Contact Me Form, 2 - Add a Finished Quilts Page, and 3 - Add a Quilts by Others Page. Additionally, it was suggested to throw a picture of my mom on the website. I'll talk to her about that and hopefully we can add that very soon!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Status Update 8/29/2010

Hey everyone,

Another status update regarding the website, I have just uploaded all the insects pantographs for your viewing pleasure! So, feel free to check them out.

And as always keep checking out this blog for more status updates!

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Status Update 8/26/2010 Part 2

Hey everyone,

I have recently added Holiday pantographs to so be sure to check them out whenever you can!


Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Status Update 8/26/2010

Hey everyone,

I have another update! In fact, I'm very excited to announce that I've made the biggest step yet in updating the website!

Right now, you can go to and check out the progress I've made, but first some background info.

We've changed up the organization of our pantographs. Until now, our pantographs used to be divided into Floral (1 and 2), Swirls and Bubbles, Children's, Insects, Holidays, Sports, and Romantic.

Now, we've changed it to: "Children's and Miscellaneous", "Feathers and Hearts", "Floral", "Geometric, Curls and Swirls", "Holidays", "Insects", "Leaves and Fruit", "Sports, Games and Outdoors" and finally "Most Popular."

We hope that our new organization is more appropriate and intuitive. Please let us know if you like the old way, but for now we feel that we've got a pretty good organization going.

Okay, so now that the background info has been given, let's track the progress I made on

So far, I've added:
- A homepage
- An About Me page
- and "Children's and Miscellaneous", "Feathers and Hearts", "Floral", "Geometric, Curls and Swirls" Pantographs

Pretty soon, we'll have the whole thing uploaded and ready for you to view!

Finally, you can still check out, however once we get all the pantographs on, '' will no longer be available. It was only meant to serve as a transitional website.

And that's it! Hopefully next time you check back, our website will be 100% done!

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This quilt with a center star is surrounded by nine-patch blocks. The thread choice was a beautiful brown/black variegated King Tut. The quilting design is the extremely popular Vickie's Feathers.

The colors in this beautiful quilt are just stunning! The edge to edge design used for quilting is Bloomingdale and a warm variegated gold/brown King Tut thread is a great choice.

Monday, August 23, 2010


If you need a reminder or help to post a comment, please refer to the instructions on the dates of 8/9 and 8/10.


I quilted this with a Superior King Tut thread of variegated blue and yellow and used an edge to edge design called Climbing Roses.

This paper-pieced poinsettia quilt has a border of quilted poinsettias using a red So Fine thread by Superior Threads. The flowers and leaves are stitched in the ditch with matching So Fine thread.

This beautiful green and purple quilt was quilted with a dark purple So Fine thread. The edge to edge quilting design is Deb's Swirls.

The quilting design for this tulip quilt is called 30's Flowers. A pale lavender So Fine thread was used.

This quilt with beautiful mitered borders was quilted with a purple variegated King Tut thread. The edge to edge quilt design is called Windswept Blossoms.

This pink and blue Stack'n'Whack quilt has and edge to edge quilt design entitled Sleepytime. The So Fine thread was a soft yellow color.


The lady who pieced this quilt used top quality quilting fabric and pieced it beautifully! I added the quilting for the final touch. It is quilted using a variegated King Tut Thread and a quilting design named Vickie's Feathers. She is willing to sell it. Anyone interested can send me the an email which I will forward to her.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Status Update 8/19/2010

Hey everyone,

I'd like to give all of you an update on what I've been working on lately.

Firstly, I've been working very hard on resizing and cleaning images of pantographs, so they look presentable on our website and blog. This is very important seen as how the one of the main purposes of our presence on the web is so everyone can see the pantographs Susan K. Quilting can stitch for them.

Secondly, I've been making some more updates to the website, so that the design of website works and looks better for what we're trying to do. For example, if you go onto and click on a pantograph, you'll have to hit the 'back' button on your browser to keep looking at more. While this is a working solution, I want everyone to be able to zoom into pantographs while keeping the webpage open. In fact, I already have this working, I just have to clean up all the images to be more presentable!

Finally and possibly most importantly, I am working to transfer '' to a new hosting service. The reason that I am doing this is because I cannot customize the current website the way we need it using our current hosting service. Also, I'd like to re-create the way users can view finished quilts to look more like the way users view pantographs on our website and blog.

Well, that's about it (for now)! It's definitely not a short order coupled with a full-time job, but we'll make all the changes I outlined above! Also, I'll regularly post updates on this blog, so be sure to check in whenever you get the chance to!

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Even More Pantographs on our Website!

Hey everyone,

Just to keep you updated, I have added more pantographs onto our site. So far, I've added four out of the eight albums of pantographs that can be stitched for you by Susan K. Quilting.

If you'd like to check out my work so far, click on the links below!

Floral Pantographs:

Floral 2 Pantographs:

Insects Pantographs:

Holiday Pantographs:

In fact, you can check out the other four pantograph albums, which include Swirls and Bubbles, Children's, Sports, and Romantic, however you can only view the slide show for them. I'm still working on putting up a table of them for our main website.

Finally, I'm not sure if I've announced our actual plans in the long run, but they are to have a main website located at so that you can view our pantographs and contact us and to maintain this blog at so you can view new photos of finished quilts and be filled in with the latest announcements!

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. You can email us at the address listed under 'My Info' tab.

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If You Can't Read the Small Print in the Steps to Post a Comment

I have noticed that if you cannot see the smaller print in the steps that my son Andrew gave for you to write in comments, just click on the smaller print to magnify it. Then click the back arrow to go back to the steps. It was easy to do-- even for me!

Monday, August 9, 2010

How to Write Comments on Posts

Hey evereyone,

Hope all of you had a great weekend! Just so all of you know, I included some steps and pictures on how to write comments on the posts I leave on this blog. Just follow the six steps below and you'll be commenting and blogging in no time! Please excuse the images if they're a little small, but it's the best I could do.

Step 1: Click on the number of comments below the posting you'd like to comment on. It'll be written in blue. In this particular example, there were 0 comments, so the link you're supposed click on reads, "0 comments" in this particular example. Check out the photo below.

Step 2: A text box will appear, click on it and enter your comment in there. Check out the photo below.

Step 3: This step is probably the most crucial and unfortunately the most confusing. The blogging software we're using wants to know what 'network' you're apart of and what your 'profile' is. To make sure you don't have to worry about this, I created a way where 'anonymous' people can post comments. So after you're done entering in your comment, click on the 'Select profile...' drop down box and select 'Anonymous.' But if you want us to know who you are, please include your name in your comment like I did below. Check out the photo below.

Step 4: After you've selected 'Anonymous' from the drop-down menu, click on the 'Post Comment' button. Check out the photo below.

Step 5: Now you'll be prompted to enter in the text that you'll see on your monitor, which is written in a really weird way (this is to ensure that malicious software isn't pulling up my blog and messing around with it - software has a hard time 'reading' weird writing). Check out the photo below.

Step 6: Enjoy your comment! If you have any issues with any of these steps, feel free to contact me at!

What you may see whiling writing a comment may not match up perfectly with what you saw in my photos, but don't worry. Keep working on putting up your first comment! Feel free to even write, "This is just a test!" as your first comment!

Thanks everyone,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Even More Pantographs on our Website!

Hey everyone,

Just in case you haven't read the post below this one, I've added the Floral Album to our website. And now, I've added the Floral 2 Album at! I'm very excited about these two albums I've uploaded, so whenever you get the time, I encourage you to check them out and let me know if you have any comments on them.

I hope to get everything done in about a couple of weeks from now, so be sure to keep checking this blog out for more updates. Also, feel free to keep checking out until I have fully updated!

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

New Pantographs... On Our Website!

Hey everyone,

As promised, I have added more pantographs online. However, not on this blog but on our main website. You can check them out, by following!

So far, I only have pantographs from the Floral Album ready for you, but I promise to have more this week! Please take a look at it whenever you can and let me know what you all think by either replying to this post or writing to us at the email address specified on our info page. Also, I know that the is not up to date, but I hope that in the next couple of weeks, I'll have it completely up to date and bug-free!

Anyway, I appreciate all of your patience. I'll continue to work on the website and this blog and soon both of them will be up and running and 100% finished!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, when you get a chance take a look at the rest of the website and even though it's not completely done, I appreciate any feedback you guys can offer!

Thank you again for your patience,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Album Uploaded - The Insects Album

Hey everyone,

As promised more pantographs have been uploaded to this blog! To view them, just click on the 'Insects Album' tab near the top! Hope you enjoy them!

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Album Uploaded!

Hey everyone,

I'm proud to announce that another album, the Children's Album, has been uploaded! Feel free to check it out and post comments!

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
Susan K. Quilting

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Andrew, my blog designer

Andrew, my son, is the best blog designer I could possibly want. Thank you Andrew.

Featured quilt photos

Here are the first pictures I am posting of the quilts I have done.

Thank you,

Susan Davis at Susan K. Quilting

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another Album Uploaded

Hey everyone,

Just to let you all know, I've uploaded another album! So far, I have Floral and Floral 2 albums uploaded, you can find both of these albums under the Floral Albums tab near the top of this page!

And of course don't forget to leave a comment if you'd like.

Finally, we'd be very excited if you shared pictures of quilts you had done by Susan K. Quilting, so we could place them on this blog! If you'd like to share your pictures, you can email them to us at the email address under the My Info tab on this page.

Thank you very much,

Susan K. Quilting

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Album Uploaded!

As a part of a continuing effort to put new pantographs online, I have uploaded over 20 onto this blog. While they are not uploaded onto the main website (, you can click on the Floral Album tab above or visit where you can view the new pantographs in a slideshow!

I will continue to work on uploading new pantographs to the main website, however this will take some time, so please be patient with me. Meanwhile I'll also put up more and more pantographs onto this blog, so that way everyone can see all the new pantographs before I get them onto the main website!

Thank you very much for your patience!

Susan K. Quilting

New Pantographs - Floral Album

Hey Everyone,

I've posted new pantographs and have organized them into albums. So far, I have eight albums total posted online here!

Additionally, I will have my son create tables of each album, but for now there is a slide show for you to view and if you click on the album's title in the slide show just under "Andrew Davis" it will take you to my Google Picasa account where you can view all the pantographs in a tabular layout!

Also in the works, is to update my current website into a newer more customizable one! But more to come on that in the next few weeks!

Thank you,

Susan K. Quilting